So I've worked closely with several people during my time at university, during research projects, and like to think I've made good friends with all of them. Which is why I was so surprised when I received a very direct email telling me I should watch PDE:2 and take something from it. Now this person knows I love dogs, she also knows that I haven't bred dogs, but that I want to do so the right way in the future. She also knows my opinion on certain dog practises. So why did she send me an emailing including quotes such as "No need to breed a specific breed." and "There is no other explanation( than being selfish) for dog/cat breeding….mix is as cute as pure" ending with she just thought she should say this to me and I need to "keep my eyes open."
I'm sorry. I was under the impression I was keeping my eyes open, and that you agreed with a lot of the things I had spoken about on the topic when we were working together. I don't think I need to say I was a little taken aback and quite frankly angered by the email.
I have no responded to the email, not wanting to get into a huge debate that could last a lifetime. Instead I leave with the opinion that, not once did PDE2 say that pedigree dogs should not exists (except those that are past saving due to 100% of the population suffering) and was trying to emphasise the point that we can go back to what the breeds used to look like and move away from disorders and diseases. So I am confused as to why this person has said "No need to breed a specific breed."
Personally I think it is good that we have dog breeds. Knowing a breed is useful as we know relatively how large the animal will get, their temperament, their grooming needs, their exercise needs etc. And we still use certain breeds for very specific jobs. I love a mix breed, and think they are very cute! I have just ended up with pedigree dogs over the years. Yes Elliot was a choice, but for the exact reason I just mentioned. I liked how big he got and his exercise tolerance matched well with what I am capable of. Buying a breed is excellent and good but for those with very distinct needs and requirements or in certain situations have the benefit with pedigree dogs in that they can choose a dog well suited to them. So no I think we should have specific breeds but that should never be taken in a way that means I think we shouldn't have mix breeds. Mix breeds are lovely but you don't always know what your going to get, especially with size, shape and coat type. The amount of labradoodles I have seen in a grooming parlour with matted coats because the breeders assumed the next batch of puppies would have coarse coats and not the soft downy coat that can sometimes occur.
Finally if there should be no specific breeds then you should be willing to argue the same point in regards to every domesticated animal in the world today. Cows, horses, sheep, pigs, cats etc. Breeds were created for a reason and I don't believe we should get rid of them.
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